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This is what our friends got to say

Testimony of Bro.Stanley Tan

     Shallom, let the name of God be on high. He who has to be honoured of His love, courage and of His very hand in Prayer Department of Bahasa Malaysia Service. There are a lot of young people who was really blessed by the prayer that have been answered on the right time and track.

     I'm very thankful of the love of God that have shown through this ministry. At one moment the number of people that had shown up for our first Prayer service was one ( and that was me !) but God really challenging me to put my whole trust in Him and now we have around 20 to 25 students for every prayer meeting. From one to 25 in almost two years. Our God is really great.

     We have our prayer meeting at a small shade just beside one pond in the campus of Universiti Utara Malaysia. During the early establishment of the department, we have it at 7 in the morning of Friday. Because of the small number that turned up, we made a switch to Saturday night starting at 8.30, and we changed places. From the pond to another bigger one in the campus. There are a small shade where we gathered and worship God and we called the place 'Pondok Daud'.

     Sisters and brothers. This is not an easy ministry nor I'm saying it is to hard to be accomplished. I've been discouraged with a lot of things. Time constraint, money, relationship with others and so on. As a young man, I've fell, my heart have been crushed, I've cried for the ministry and with HIM, I've wake up with the winning spirit. I'm almost totally busy with my study. But now I've finished with it and waiting for the scroll of Degree in Public Administrations. My sisters and brothers. Put your trust in HIM and He will make the way.

     For the coming semester, Prayer Department has enlarge its staff in line with the expansion. Until now the search for my replacement isn't over yet but I believe our God have it in place. Only the proper time will tell.

     Thank you for the willingness in your heart to pray and intercede for one another. Let the fire of God burn your heart every single moment. As me and a few of my other friends have finished our studies, we strongly encouraged all of our junior to wake up, and made a firm foundation in Christ, our Savior and win this campus, this state and this country for our God, Amen.

Thank you.

Please don't ever underestimate the importance of your prayer of intercession


Touching the Heart of God by Sis.Rita Mering

     I've known the God of Father, the Son and Holy Spirit through prayer. Prayer is a wonderful and intimate relationship with God. A short time ago, I had a feeling that prayer was a meaningless application to God who does not have time and ear to listen and care. But after I went through hardship, I know our God is a God who listen and even speak to us, a two way traffic to heaven. As an ordinary human being, I try to keep my prayer long enough and I learn to let the Holy Spirit flows through me. It was an encouragement for me to see our sheaperd Bro.Pierre who indulge himself with Holy Spirit.

     Through prayer, God has changed my identity, from the worse to someone else who know God. I'm no longer praying for the situation to changed, but I pray so that I'm able to changed and adapt myself first so the situation would be better. I came from a disoriented family and God has changed me so that I could accept them and He has teach me to forgive and love them. The healing from God flows.

     After 11 years praying for them, God with His creative and powerfull way touch my whole family, one by one, and I'm very delighted with it.

     My brother and sister, in whatever situation, have a mind in God. He know and He will make a way. Pray and He will listen and He got time for everything.

Thank you.

HE is just a prayer's away


Detik perpisahan berjumpa jua - by Sister Hasiah

    Detik-detik perpisahan tiba jua tanpa diundang, betapa pilu dan beratnya ini untuk meninggalkan sebuah tempat yang penuh dengan kenangan. Saya bersyukur kepada Tuhan kerana telah memberi peluang kepada saya untuk berada di UUM.

    Tidak dapat diungkapkan dengan kata-kata tentang kebaikan serta berkat-berkat Tuhan dalam hidup saya…cuma apa yang dapat saya katakan bahawa Tuhan itu sungguh baik dan Dia mengasihi semua anak-anakNya.

    Saya juga bersyukur kerana dalam masa tiga setengah tahun saya berada di sini, saya berpeluang untuk mengenali teman-teman semua. Sungguh indah dan bererti ikatan persahabatan yang telah kita jalin bersama. Saya sungguh-sungguh mengasihi kamu semua dan akan terus mengingati kamu di dalam doa.

    Kita pegang visi kita untuk menangkan Kota Sintok bagi Tuhan. Dengan doa yang sungguh-sungguh, saya percaya ianya akan menjadi kenyataan satu hari kelak. Biarlah mata kita tertuju kepada Tuhan agar kita tidak mudah goyah. Peliharalah kesatuan yang ada kerana di mana ada kesatuan, berkat-berkat Tuhan akan dicurahkan..

    Akhirnya, carilah wajah Tuhan selalu dan percayakan hidupmu serta masa depanmu seluruhNya kepada Dia kerana Dia menjanjikan kepadamu hari depan yang penuh harapan. ( Yeremia 29 : 11 )

   Selamat tinggal semua…satu saat kita akan bertemu kembali bersama Yesus ..Amin !


Enam tahun yang dulu - by Sister Evelyn

    Pertengahan tahun 1993, tanah Sintok dijejaki untuk memulakan satu kehidupan baru dengan gelaran pelajar Matrikulasi UUM. Pada waktu itu apa yang mampu dilakukan oleh seorang saudari ini, hanyalah berserah kepada takdir.

    Namun demikian, Tuhan Yesus yang diterimanya sebagai Juruselamat pada tahun 1990, tidak pernah meninggalkan dia, mahupun membiarkan dia mengharungi liku-liku kehidupan bersendirian. Tanpa disedari olehnya, Tuhan mempunyai rencana yang begitu indah untuknya di tempat yang baru itu.

    Hari demi hari Tuhan memperbaharui fikirannya dan pengenalanya akan Allah Bapa dan Yesus Kristus. Oleh kekuatan Roh Kudus, setiap cabaran hidup seebagai seorang Kristian dan mahasiswi dihadapi dengan tabah. Awal Oktober 1998, berakhirlah episod kehidupannya di UUM. Mengimbas kembali pengalaman suka duka, pahit manis, tawar ceria, putus asa dan kecewa sepanjang 5 tahun itu di utara Kedah itu, saudari ini mengucapkan syukur yang tidak terhingga kepada Tuhan kerana kesetiaaNya.

    Dalam banyak hal yang terjadi, satu perkara yang dia tahu iaitu Tuhan mengasihi dia dan dia yang dapat memisahkan dia daripada kasih Tuhan. Sebagai manusia biasa, dia tidak terlepas daripada melakukan kesilapan dan kesalahan, lalu kepada Tuhan dia memohon kesilapan kerana Tuhan itu setia dan adil

(1 Yoh 1:9).

    Untuk kehidupan seterusnya, Tuhanlah tempat dia bergantung. Dari Tuhan dia datang, oleh Tuhan dia hidup, dan kepada Tuhan dia akan pergi satu hari nanti. Oleh itu, selagi dia bernafas, dia mahu mencari kerajaan Allah dan kebenaranNya.

    Bagi Dia segala pujian. Hormat, syukur dan kemuliaan untuk selama-lamanya.

    Halleluya !


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